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Best Bilingual Spanish Superhero Books

Best Bilingual Spanish Superhero Books - Mi LegaSi

We all love superheros and so do our kids.  One of the biggest challenges in raising a bilingual daughter is finding books that she finds cool and exciting in Spanish.  Luckily, there are some great books that we have read and our on our list to add to our home library.  Check out our finds:

9 Superhero Books in Spanish and English for Kids

1) La Princesa de Negro

For little girls, these books are among our favorites.  They are a great transition from picture books to chapter books.  The character is a princess by day and strong fighting superhero Princess in black when she's called to action. Luckily, now most of them are available in Spanish, so these are a great gift addition for little girls and they are also available in English.

 La Princesa de Negro Spanish Book For Latinas

The Princess in Black ENglish Version

  • Concept:  Princess Magnolia is having hot chocolate and scones with Duchess Wigtower when . . . Brring! Brring!The monster alarm! A big blue monster is threatening the goats! Stopping monsters is no job for dainty Princess Magnolia. But luckily Princess Magnolia has a secret —she’s also the Princess in Black, and stopping monsters is the perfect job for her! Can the princess sneak away, transform into her alter ego, and defeat the monster before the nosy duchess discovers her secret? From award-winning writing team of Shannon and Dean Hale and illustrator LeUyen Pham, here is the first in a humorous and action-packed chapter book series for young readers who like their princesses not only prim and perfect, but also dressed in black.
  • The Princess in Black Book Preview
  • Language :Spanish
  • Paperback : 96 pages
  • Reading age : 6 - 9 years
  • Grade level : 1 - 4

    2. Lucia the Luchadora by Cynthia Leonor Garza

    My daughter loves female superhero stories and this is right up that alley.  I love that this book touches on courage and deciding what to do in a sticky situation and who doesn't love lucha libre?!  If you already have this one check out Lucia the Luchadora and the Million Masks or the Spanish version Lucia la Luchadora y el Millon de Mascaras.

     Books that EMpower Latina Girls - Little Luchadora

     Lucía zips through the playground in her cape just like the boys, but when they tell her "girls can't be superheroes," suddenly she doesn't feel so mighty. That's when her beloved abuela reveals a dazzling secret: Lucía comes from a family of luchadoras, the bold and valiant women of the Mexican lucha libre tradition. Cloaked in a flashy new disguise, Lucía returns as a recess sensation! But when she's confronted with a case of injustice, Lucía must decide if she can stay true to the ways of the luchadora and fight for what is right, even if it means breaking the sacred rule of never revealing the identity behind her mask. A story about courage and cultural legacy, Lucía the Luchadora is full of pluck, daring, and heart.

    7 Books that EMpower Latina Girls - Little Luchadora

    7 Books that EMpower Little Latina Girls - Little Luchadora

  • Language : English
  • Hardcover : 32 pages
  • Reading age :3 - 7 years

    3)  Los Superheroes estan en todas partes.

    If you're a Kamala Harris fan, then you'll love reading about her childhood and how she saw superheroes in her family.  This book is also available in English and would be a great addition to get the conversation started about the vice president.

    Los SUperheroes estan en todas partes libro para Latinas

     Superheroes are everywhere by Kamala Harris

  • Concept:  Before Kamala Harris was elected to the vice presidency, she was a little girl who loved superheroes. And when she looked around, she was amazed to find them everywhere! In her family, among her friends, even down the street--there were superheroes wherever she looked. And those superheroes showed her that all you need to do to be a superhero is to be the best that you can be.
  • Los Superheroes estan en todas partes Kamal Harris
    In this empowering and joyful picture book that speaks directly to kids, Kamala Harris takes readers through her life and shows them that the power to make the world a better place is inside all of us. And with fun and engaging art by Mechal Renee Roe, as well as a guide to being a superhero at the end, this book is sure to have kids taking up the superhero mantle (cape and mask optional).
  • Language : Spanish
  • Hardcover : 40 pages
  • Reading age : 3 - 7 years
  • Grade level : Preschool - 2
  •  4) Awaken your Inner Superhero - Despierta tu superheroe interior

    Having a daughter that suffers from anxiety and worry, I am always looking for books that help encourage her to better cope and deal with her emotions.  I love that this book touches on fears in an empowering way.  Whether you have a boy or girl, this book is a great addition to your home library.

    Awaken your inner superhero bilingual book

    Concept:   Awaken Your Inner Superhero is a series of children's books to teach kids the virtues necessary to live a life of happiness, fulfillment, and success.In this first book of the series, we will accompany Ben to overcome his fears and learn to live a life with courage. Through this fun story, you can talk with the children about their fears and help them begin the process of overcoming them so they can live their lives to the fullest. Every child must be fear-free to live a life of success and meaning. Help your boy or girl to awaken their inner superhero.

  • Language :Bilingual
  • Paperback : 43 pages

    5) Be a Star Wonder Woman

    When my daughter was younger I loved reading this book.  I am a big Wonder Woman fan but what I loved most about this book was the brown little girl that was the star of the book.  It contains such a great message and the illustrations if you're a comic book fan are sure to please you.  While this book is not in Spanish it still provides great representation for your little Latina and it just so happens to be illustrated by a Latino.

    Be a star WOnder WOman 

    Concept:  In this board book, young girl braves a challenge-filled day ― just like her hero, Wonder Woman!  As a new day dawns, a young girl faces the ultimate challenge: school! Follow along as she thwarts potential foes (playground bullies), communicates with animals (class pets), and overcomes her greatest fear (show-and-tell). With courage, kindness, and other heroic traits of DC Comics' Wonder Woman, she'll turn a difficult school day into an AMAZING ADVENTURE!  Along with bright, bold illustrations, bestselling author Michael Dahl (Bedtime for Batman and Good Morning, Superman) delivers an imaginative read-aloud for your littlest super heroes.

    Be a star WOnder woman for little Latinas

  • Language : English
  • Board book : 30 pages
  • Reading age : 3 - 5 years
  • Grade level : Preschool - 2

    6)  Even superhero have bad days or Hasta los superheroes tienen dias malos

    This book available in English and soon to be released in Spanish has great illustrations.  It has a similar vibe to How do DInosaurs Say I'm Mad (which we love) but this on is a bit lengthier so maybe better for kids 6 and over.

    Concept: All kids have trouble getting a grip on their emotions, sometimes—even young superheroes! But what do they do when they’re having a bad day? Colorful action-packed illustrations and a dynamite rhyming text reveal the many ways superheroes (and ordinary children, too) can resist the super-temptation to cause a scene when they’re sad, mad, frustrated, lonely, or afraid. From burning off steam on a bike or a hike, to helping others, this energetic picture book has plenty of fun ideas to help kids cope when they’re feeling overwhelmed.


  • Language : English or Spanish
  • Hardcover : 40 pages
  • Reading age : 3 - 9 years
  • Grade level : Preschool - 4

    7) Abuela

    While this isn't a true superhero book in the traditional sense, it does give children flight as Rosalba and her grandmother soar through the skies of New York City.  I personally love this book because it's in Spanglish, and my daughter likes the back and forth between the two languages...much like it is in our home.

    Concept:  Come join Rosalba and her grandmother, her abuela, on a magical journey as they fly over the streets, sights, and people of New York City which sparkles below. The story is narrated in English, and sprinkled with Spanish phrases as Abuela points out places that they explore together. The exhilaration in Rosalba’s and Abuela's story is magnified by the loving bond that only a grandmother and granddaughter can share.

  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 40 pages
  • Reading age : 3 - 7 years
  • Grade level : Preschool - 2

    8) Yasmin la Superheroina

    Also, available in English, this book opens up children's minds and cultural awareness as the main character is a little Pakistani American girl and highlights her adventures with her Muslim family.


    Superhero Yasmin! She's got the cape. She's got the mask. Now she just needs a villain to defeat! While she's looking for one, she meets lots of friends and neighbors who need her help, but no villains. Then Yasmin discovers that she might not need a villain to wield her super powers!

  • Language : English
  • Paperback : 32 pages
  • Reading age : 5 - 8 years
  • Grade level : Kindergarten - 2

    9)El Gran Libro de super poderes or The Big Book of Superpowers

    Superpowers go beyond taking flight and invisibility and this book highlights all those powers that kids may not even think are worthy of being noticed like optimisn and perseverance.

    Superheroes have superpowers, abilities like strength or invisibility or flight. But did you know that ordinary kids have superpowers too? From dancing to reading to persistence and optimism, all of us have a superpower that makes us special and unique, a special ability that enables us to make a difference in the world. What's your superpower?


    With eighteen stories of kids with everyday superpowers, The Big Book of Superpowers will inspire kids to look inside and find what makes them extraordinary!

  • Language : English
  • Hardcover : 40 pages
  • Reading age : 5 - 8 years
  • Grade level : 1 - 2

    Hope you enjoyed our list!  Now super speed to add to your collection!

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