While we usually spend Christmas with our American family, as a Latina mom it is important for me to pass on our Hispanic traditions as well. We start the season celebrations with the day of La Virgen de Guadalupe, then Las Posadas, Nochebuena y Navidad y los Reyes Magos. This year the celebrations will look quite different, but I think it is important to still read the book, have a piñata, sing the songs and celebrate as this way the little latinx will then learn their Latino traditions and understand their heritage. Here are the:
Top Bilingual Children's Books to Celebrate Navidad and the Holiday Season
1) Lil Libros: Guadalupe and Los Tres Reyes Magos
- Author: Patty Rodriguez
- Ages: Baby – 4 years
- Grades: Baby to Preschool
- Boardbook
- Language: Bilingual Spanish
Concept: Guadalupe introduces the story of our patron Virgin of Mexico as well as baby’s first words. Los Tres Reyes Magos introduces the story along with colors.
What we like about these books: Beautiful illustrations that highlight our Hipanic culture. It is a great way to introduce them to the story and why we celebrate our Virgin or why do they get presents on Jan 6th and eat rosca de reyes.
2)The Night of Las Posadas
- Author: Tomie dePaola
- Ages: 4 years – 8 years
- Grades: Preschool – 3rd Grade
- Paperback
- Language: English
Concept: starting on December 16 -24 in Mexico and some other Latino countries we re-enact the night that Joseph and Mary are looking for a place to stay. This book narrates how a little village in Santa Fe prepares for the Posadas and how the whole village participates in the fiesta.
What we like about this book: The nIght of Las Posadas is a really good book to introduce them to las Posadas and what they represent. While this version is in English, I still read it in Spanish and they still enjoy the beautiful illustrations that give them a good idea how it is done in Mexico.
3)¡Qué montón de Tamales! / Too Many Tamales
- Author:Gary Soto, Ed Martinez, Alma Flor Ada
- Ages: 4 years – 8 years
- Grades: Preschool – 3rd Grade
- Paperback
- Language: Spanish and English editions
Concept: It is Christmas Eve and all the tíos (aunts and uncles) and primos (cousins) are coming over. They are all helping make tamales for the dinner. Maria’s mom took off her ring and left it for a moment, Maria then could not resist to try it on. She unfortunately then looses it in what it seems to be an endless batch of tamales.
What we like about this book: My oldest loves this book, she loves seeing the family cooking altogether, Maria sharing with her cousins and all the adventure to get back the ring. It is a great story for Navidad and available in both English and Spanish languages makes a perfect addition for the Spanish library.
4) A Piñata in a Pine Tree: a Latino Twelve Days of Christmas
- Author: Pat Mora
- Ages: 4 years – 8 years
- Grades: Preschool – 3rd Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: Bilingual Spanish
Concept: The twelve days of Christmas song with a Latino twist. Filled with our Latino traditional elements a great book for the Holidays and counting.
What we like about this book: The kids love A Piñata in a Pine Tree, while they know the original version, they enjoy seeing this twist with Latino elements throughout the book, a piñata, tamalitos, trompos, etc. all familiar elements to them. A beautiful book for the little latinx to celebrate and learn about the Holidays.
5) ‘Twas Nochebuena
- Author: Roseanne Greenfield Thong
- Ages: 3 years – 5 years
- Grades: Preschool to 1st Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: Bilingual Spanish
Concept: Twas Nochebuena is about Nochebuena (Christmas Eve) and the family is preparing to celebrate. All the tíos (aunts and uncles) and primos (cousins) come over and help prepare tamales, decorate, celebrate mass and have a great time with the family
What we like about this book: Fun, festive and with beautiful illustrations. While written in English all of the Latino elements are in Spanish. There is also a Spanish only version, Es Nochebuena, perfect for addition to your library if raising bilingual kids.
6) Poppy and Sam Ya Llega la Navidad
- Editorial: Usborne
- Ages: 3 years – 7 years
- Grades: Preschool – 2nd Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: Spanish
Concept: Usborne books are gorgeous!! Beautiful illustrations and usually very interactive, like this one. Poppy and Sam Ya Llega la Navidad is cute and entertaining, it follows Poppy and Sam around they farm as they prepare for Christmas eve.
What we like about this book:Cute and endearing story about Christmas and how this family prepares for it. It is also an interactive book, so kids will follow the story and discover exciting things hiding in the illustrations.
Usborne has a great selection in Spanish with more titles being added in January 2021. Since the publishing company is from Spain the books are not translated, but rather written in Spanish from Spain. The books are uniquely beautiful. You can find more titles in Spanish at: https://s4810.myubam.com/c/41/spanish-titles
7) La Historia de la Navidad
- Author: Jane Werner Watson
- Ages: 2 years – 5 years
- Grades: Preschool – 1st Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: Spanish
Concept: First published in 1952, this Little Golden Book adaption of the Christmas story was illustrated by beloved artist Eloise Wilkin. This classic picture book retelling of the Christmas story is a perfect gift for the holidays and now in Español as La Historia de Navidad.
What we like about this book: It's a classic that helps Christian families read about the meaning of Christmas.
7) Ya Llegan Los Reyes Magos!
- Author: Georgina Lazaro
- Ages: 5 years – 8 years
- Grades: 1st Grade on
- Paperback
- Language: Spanish
Concept: Beautiful poem about the excitement of the coming of the Tres Reyes Magos.
What we like about this book: As Latinos the Tres Reyes Magos were the once to bring presents to the kids. As Ya Llegan los Reyes Magos! tells, they go to meet Jesus and arrive with presents, so for us it is them who come bearing the toys and exciting presents. We celebrate both in our house and the little Latinx are lucky enough that both Santa and Melchor, Gaspar and Baltazar show up with fun stuff.
9) Un Coquí de Boriquén con los Reyes a Belén
- Author: Lara Mercado
- Ages: 4 years – 8 years
- Grades: Preschool– 3rd Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: Spanish
Concept: Un Coquí de Boriquén con los Reyes a Belén is a super cute story of los Reyes Magos and their unexpected traveling companions.
What we like about this book: The Spanish edition is a great addition to the Latino collection.
10) El árbol de Navidad Paso a Paso
- Author: Mercé Canals
- Ages: 2 years – 8 years
- Grades: Preschool– 3rd Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: Spanish
Concept: Follow two siblings and their grandpa as they pick and decorate their Christmas tree, while learning the meaning behind the tree and its decorations.
What we like about this book: Beautiful illustrations with flaps to discover ornaments and lights, while the story gives us the step by step on Christmas tree decoration. Since El árbol de Navidad Paso a Paso book is in Spanish, it is a great addition to the Latino library.
You can purchase online at LA Librería: https://www.la-libreria.net/el-arbol-de-navidad/
11) Canción de Navidad
- Author: Nicola Slater
- Ages: Baby – 3 years
- Grades: Preschool
- Boardbook
- Language: Spanish
What we like about this book: My little Latinx love this version of board books, they like sitting and pushing the buttons, listening to the music, and following the song.
You can purchase online at LA Librería: https://www.la-libreria.net/cancion-de-navidad/
12) Oso Patoso Celebra la Navidad
- Author: Daniel Napp
- Ages: 5 years – 8 years
- Grades: Preschool – 3rd Grade
- Language: Spanish
What we like about this book: Very entertaining story for the little Latinx, it is also easy enough for the early readers
You can purchase online at LA Librería: https://www.la-libreria.net/oso-patoso-celebra-la-navidad/
So cozy up with some good ponche (fruit ponch), hot chocolate or preferred beverage and enjoy the family time and these books.
Final Thoughts
With Navidad around he corner, I think these blog posts will help you find some bilingual toys that will encourage that bilingual upbringing and holiday spirit.
2020 Best Bilingual Toys7 Fun Games for Bilingual Families
2019 Toys to Teach Your Child Spanish
Toys and Books that Celebrate Hispanic Heritage and Latino Icons
2017 Bilingual Toys to teach Your Child Spanish
Looking to foster a strong connection to your Latino roots and empower your child through bilingualism? Explore Janny's comprehensive bilingual parenting course, Confident Bilingual Parenting: How to Raise a Bilingual Spanish Child Your Way. Gain valuable insights, practical strategies, and access to a private community, ensuring you have all the tools you need to nurture your child's language development and cultural awareness from an early age. It includes the Bilingual Resources Directory full of toys, books, media recommendations, and yes discounts.
You can also delve into Janny's easy-to-read and visual book, Nobody Told Me This About Raising a Bilingual Child, which not only serves as a practical guide but also makes a thoughtful gift.
For more insights and inspiration, consider tuning in to The Latina Mom Legacy Podcast, where Janny empowers parents raising bilingual kids through engaging case studies, expert interviews, and her personal words of wisdom.
No matter which path you choose, rest assured that we're here to support your bilingual parenting journey in every way.
Feliz Navidad y Felices Fiestas!
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