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2.21 - Ivy Fua - Keeping Keeps Teeth Healthy During the Holidays

2.21 - Ivy Fua - Keeping Keeps Teeth Healthy During the Holidays - Mi LegaSi

Do you know what really happens to your kids’ teeth when they eat a caramel? What should you give a teething baby and is fluoride really bad for kids? In this episode, I have a Latina mom of 1 with a multicultural family who’s going to educate you on oral health like never before. She’s an accomplished Pediatric Dentist and buñuelo lover, Ivy Fua.

Join us as she answers many questions about your children’s oral health and provides tips on how you can help take care of it. Plus, she shares her tips on raising a bilingual baby in a multicultural home, and we even talk about who’s really to blame for the Coronavirus, asi que no te lo pierdas!

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Season 2 Podcast Episode 21 Show Notes

About Ivy Fua

"I am pediatric dentist, mother and wife based out of Los Angeles, CA. I started this page to spread reliable information about pediatric dentistry and health from a pediatric dentist perspective as well as lifestyle from a female and mother’s perspective."

The Ped Dentist Ivy Fua

You can find useful links on her website and very useful tips on her Instagram @thepedsdentist.

The Peds Dentist on Instagram


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