As many of you know I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day. I prefer to celebrate amor & kindness any other day and avoid the crowds and clichés, but that's just me. I am now happily married and can tell you the best and worst things to do on Valentine's Day. So pay attention caballeros. Ladies, you're not off the hook, I have some advice for you too that'll make him very happy.
Advice For him: Don't go the dozen red roses route.
Ay por favor! Unless you know your lady absolutely loves them. Buying a dozen red roses is typical, safe, and really not that innovative or unique. You are telling her I'm typical, safe, not that innovative, basically that you're boring. Do you think you're the only one that has ever given her a dozen roses? Yes, roses are suppose to mean love, but giving her something much more interesting and unique will make you stand out and make the gift more memorable.
Among the most memorable flower gifts I've received have been orchids, bamboo like this one (available on Amazon), and sunflowers. If you attach a note that says something like, "Because you are so unique and special a rose simply would not do" or get her a wildflower bouquet (like the one above) and you can write, "I'm totally wild about you!." I promise you she will melt.
Advice for her: Don't wear your usual boy short panties!
We know what's usually on men's minds right? So skip the everyday comfortable boy short panties and wear something sexy and sensual for him. Buy a tanga! I know you will make his day. And ladies, mommys especially, even if you may not feel sexy, wearing sexy lingerie will give you a self esteem boost. He knows you're sexy and that will make you feel more confident. No time for perfection here, love yourself at whatever size, rolls, and dimples you are, he will love you too.
Advice for him: Don't buy cheap chocolate (unless she loves it)!
Um hell no. Women LOVE their chocolate and you better not mess with it. First, you should know which chocolate sends her over the edge. And PLEASE don't buy those awful cheap heart shaped chocolate boxes that you get at any pharmacy chain just because they're shaped like a heart. Instead buy her a quality chocolate bar and cut out a paper heart that says "Te Amo."
My personal favorite that takes me back to Colombia, yes it's cheap but I love it:
Available on Amazon and check out Amigo Foods, which has all sorts of Latino foods, snacks, and yes chocolate.
Advice for her: Don’t go to the movies (unless you’re watching a HOT movie)
As women what we see and hear sets the mood. I don't know many women that simply can get in the mood in a matter of minutes and count your blessings if that's you. For many of us it takes a little longer. If you’re watching a tear jerker it may be difficult to shift from a place of sadness to sexiness, a suspense or horror movie may add more anxiety, and while we may enjoy a romcom, he can't wait til it's over. So if you must watch a movie, make sure it's steamy (read the reviews) or instead opt to go to a comedy show. We love to laugh, you'll feel connected, and it'll get you in a happy mood. Just make sure the comic is your cup of tea and you won't get offended, um Fluffy anyone?
Advice for him: Don't take her to a trendy restaurant.
Odds are everyone else will be trying to go there too. Nothing makes me more mad than when Im hungry and have to wait over an hour when we have a reservation. Its like, whats the F&@king point of having a reservation? And you know that means that you won’t be eating for at least another hour only to be rushed because everyone else is waiting and just as impatient as you were when you waited. Wait, the icing is when the food does arrive and you need a microscope to see it! So make sure you know where you are going, go much earlier, go on a different day, or go to a more casual spot. Find a food alternative that will be stress free.
Advice for her: Don’t eat so much that you’ll end up in food coma.
Not that he may not eat alot too, just food is not an obstacle when it comes to sex. Now its no secret that I love to eat. Going out to eat yummy food is at the top of my greatest pleasures in life. On a regular basis I try and take care of myself, but when I go out, all bets are off. Now the last thing that I want to do after a steak dinner, half a bottle of wine, and chocolate dessert is get frisky. So save the food coma for Thanksgiving and eat a little less all in the name of better sex. You’ll both be happier. Oh and skip the frijoles!
Advice for him: Don't buy her a generic card, buy her one that she'll love.
I can honestly tell you that I have Valentine's Day cards from elementary school (below). I've always appreciated fun, bright cards, and if they're unique with a special message, I'm likely to keep them forever.
In a sea of cards I love cards that speak to me and are different. I especially love supporting Latino artists and small business owners much like myself so when I came across Paper Tacos I was like Si! Finally, something that speaks to us. Check out their Valentine's Day collection. I promise you won't find any other cards like these!
Advice for both: Hire a sitter.
If you have kids plan ahead, now actually! Make sure you have a sitter and don't wait til the last minute. Everyone else will have plans too. Don't make any reservations until you have the most important reservation made...the babysitter.
Final Thoughts
Whether it's Valentine's Day or any other day disfruta de tu pareja (enjoy your company) and love will continue to grow.
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