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In Person or Virtual Keynotes & Workshops

"4 Steps to Raising a Bilingual Child" Participants will be able to:

Learn how to define their starting point in bilingual parenting.

Learn how to set long-term goals in bilingual parenting.

Learn their "Why" and purpose behind raising a bilingual child.

Understand what are the tools and capabilities they need in order to get there.

When schools work with me...

  • Their language students' parents understand how they can better support their children in language learning.
  • Parents feel more comfortable opening up to a parent that has been in their shoes.
  • Parents gain confidence in their bilingual parenting and are more likely to continue raising bilingual children.
  • You gain a partner that will help promote your school's language program.

Interested in having me speak at your school?

Send me a message and let's see if we're a good fit.

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