How does a pastor's daughter teach her kids to be grateful? How does the same American mom raise bilingual kids with her husband's Mexican traditions? Well, this mom's story is absolutely fascinating. In today's episode, we talk with American mom and founder of Baby Devotions, Kayla Alonso. We talk about raising "little Latinas," instilling gratitude and a belief in something bigger than themselves, and she shares her funny stories about being married to a Mexican man. Plus we'll have a yummy Mexican Calabaza Dulce recipe and a very special Baby Devotions Freebie just for you!
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Podcast Episode 05 Show Notes:
Kayla Alonso's Bilingual Tips & Recommendations
Shows to Watch in Spanish:
1. Netflix for Disney movies in Spanish
3. Daniel Tiger Gratitude Tree el árbol de gracias episode
Recommended Spanish App for Kids:
Spanish Book Recommendations for Kids:
“Let the fields and their crops burst with joy!” -Psalm 96:12a. Show your little one the meaning of this verse with the Joyful Harvest Pray n’ Play pack. Everything that the Lord has made praises Him, this includes the fields and their crops. And if plants can praise him, so can we! This is a bilingual resource, with all materials in English and Spanish!
Are you a Latina mom or multicultural mom raising bilingual, bi-cultural, or multicultural children? Be a guest on our show and contact me at
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