Today we’re talking all things Dia de los Muertos. When and how can you honor the departed? What are the elements needed to create an ofrenda? How can you celebrate with your kids?
Join me as I highlight Dia de Los Muertos or difuntos throughout Latin America, give you tips on how to get your kids involved, plus a special interview with a Mexican Latina mom sharing her experience and wisdom on Day of the Dead. Yo, a bilingual parenting educator, author, and mom Janny Perez te invito as we take a closer look. Asi que no te lo pierdas.
What you’ll learn from this episode:
- About diverse Day of the Dead customs worldwide in Latin America.
- How a Mexican mom celebrates Day of the Dead.
The elements needed to create your altar or Ofrenda.
- How to engage children in the festivities to foster lasting family bonds and shared traditions.
- How to encourage children to express their grief and emotions through Day of the Dead activities.
Additional Resources:
How to create a Day of the Dead Altar or Día de Muertos Ofrenda
Mi LegaSi Bilingual Halloween and Day of the Dead Flashcards Download
10 Ways to Honor the Dead with our Kids on Dia De Los Muertos
Must Have Bilingual Books for Celebrating Día de los Muertos
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Janny: Janny on IG https://instagram.com/milegasi
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