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508-Maria Lopez:Unveiling the Relationship Between Language Acquisition and Childhood Sleep Patterns

508-Maria Lopez:Unveiling the Relationship Between Language Acquisition and Childhood Sleep Patterns - Mi LegaSi

Can raising a bilingual child affect how a child sleeps?  What are some of the most common mistakes parents make with kids when it comes to sleeping?  In this episode, Latina mom of 3, sleep expert, and founder of Not a Peep, Maria Lopez located in Philly helps answer those questions.

Join us as we talk about how language affects sleep patterns,  how sleep can help your child learn a language, and what happens to kids' sleep as they grow older, is your teen just lazy.  Plus, Maria debunks some common sleep myths and shares her personal experience raising bilingual daughters.  Yo, a bilingual parenting educator, author, and mom Janny Perez te invito as we take a closer look.  Asi que no te lo pierdas.


What you’ll learn from this episode

  • How slow-wave sleep enhances kids' language learning.
  •  Why early bedtime can maximize slow-wave sleep benefits.

  • How consistent bilingual sleep routines help maintain sleep quality.

  • How teenagers sleep shift and what you can do to help.

  • How helping kids sleep affects their self-soothing abilities.

About Maria Lopez

Maria Lopez Not a Peep

  • Maria has a B.A in Psychology from Georgia State University and is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant.
  • She is a Happiest Baby on the Block Educator, and a member of IPSA and the APSC.
  • Website: Not a Peep

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