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506 - Dr.Belle: How to Use Positive Parenting For Raising Bilingual Children

506 - Dr.Belle: How to Use Positive Parenting For Raising Bilingual Children - Mi LegaSi

Want to know how to use positive parenting to raise bilingual kids? Do you even know what that mean? In this episode, Latina mom and child psychologist, Dr. Belle helps answer those questions.

Join us we talk about positive parenting strategies that you can use in your bilingual parenting. Plus, Dr. Belle shares her favorite Mexican dish to pass down.  Yo, a bilingual parenting educator, author, and multilingual parenting mom Janny Perez te invito as we take a closer look.  Asi que no te lo pierdas.



About Dr. Belle

  • Latina mom raising multilingual kids in the UK.
  • Child psychologist.
  • Founder of Make your Mind Blossom
  • Empowering  clients to reach their mental and emotional potential through personalized journeys of growth and self-exploration.

What You'll Learn from This Episode:

  • The Importance of Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
  • How to Take advantage of celebrations in schools
  •  How to Create Cultural Connection Through Cooking
  •  How attending Hispanic Heritage Month events fosters a sense of belonging.

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