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514 - Lizzie Rodriguez Carrk: Everything You Need to Know About Dual Immersion Elementary Language Schools

514 - Lizzie Rodriguez Carrk:  Everything You Need to Know About Dual Immersion Elementary Language Schools - Mi LegaSi

As the new year approaches it's time to start looking at schools. What does enrolling your kids in a dual immersion program or elementary school look like? What are things you should look for and how should you prepare? In this episode four years later we revisit with Latina Mama two and former Mi Legasi blog contributor Lizzie Rodriguez Carrk.


Joins us as we talk about dual immersion schools in the US and offer you tips on what you should do if you want to consider a dual language school for your child plus Lizzie shares some of her favorite traditions navideñas.



What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • One Latina mom's experience with dual immersion elementary schools.
  • Tips on how you should prepare.
  • What many parents don't know about dual immersion programs.
  • How can you evaluate a school or program and know if it's a right fit for your family.


Dual Language Immersion Schools Directory

About Lizzie Rodriguez Carrk

  • Mexican Latina mom of 2.
  • Former Mi Legasi Contributor
  • Dual Immersion Advocate

Lizzie's Recommendations:



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